Friday, December 30, 2005

Giving His Top 20

One of the finest, and most underrated, blogs around is RJ Rummels Democratic Peace blog where Proffessor Rummel expounds on his theory that Democracies are more peaceful, prosperous, healthier, and less corrupt than their totalitarian rivals. His posts are long and involved (which challenges me as I have the attention span of a goldfish!) as well as very well documented but almost always worth reading.

Right now he has up his favorite 20 postings and I encourage you to read them.

I encourage you to check Proffessor Rummel daily if possible. If it is a choice of his blog or mine (I know you're not supposed to say this but) read HIS! I wish I could get every politician, educator, labor leader, and journalist to read what he is saying.


Blogger Lone Pony said...

I've read his stuff before and liked it. I found him through no speed bumbs.

He's really good.

Since you think more educators need to read him. I'm linking him, and I'll spend more time there.

12:17 AM  

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