Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Marxist-Islamic Alliance

One of the oddest things about the war on terror is the alliance that exists between the Islamic Terrorists and the Marxist left. If you look at their ideology, they are opposites while America is about half-way betweeen the two of them. Logic says that they would fight each other and try to pull America to their side, but that is not happening.

Part of the reason is that in each of their worldviews America should not exist or at least should not be as powerful as it is. Each believes that they have a dynamic that should be propelling them to forefront of history. Islam believes that they are favored of Allah and the world should be under Sharia. Marxism believes in a flow of history that would lead inevitably to Communism. Both of these world views are stymied by a powerful United States of America that defies both theories of history. Their whole understanding of reality is threatened because America, as it currently exists, cannot fit into either worldview without destroying it or at least twisting it beyond recognition.

Each sees the other as a weak force that can be dominated if only America would get out of the way.

I seriously believe that the alliance between Islam and Marxism is an alliance of convenience that would be quickly forgotten if the United States were to disappear tomorrow. I imagine each side has deluded themselves into believing they could either manipulate or subjugate the other side and thus win absolute power. Each has foolishly believed that because they share a hatred for America, they are brothers. They are actually enemies that have temporarily made common cause against a greater foe that neither could defeat by themselves.


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