Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Proposed Constitutional Amendment

Some time ago some friends and myself were discussing how we need to change the Constitution and we came up with several amendments that we would like to see passed. They were actually written down though they would never pass for the same reasons that they are needed.

Here is one that we came up with.

English is the official language of the United States and all citizens shall be expected to be reasonably fluent in proper spoken English and those who are old enough are responsible to gain a reasonable degree of literacy in the English language. (The states are required to offer training in both the spoken and written English language which may be done through public education). All routine functions of the federal government shall be in English. All official federal, state and local documents shall be written in English, though official translations into other languages may be made available for visitors and recent immigrants who have not yet become fluent in English. Reasonable knowledge of the English language shall be considered a requirement for immigrants seeking citizenship.

The individual states, by public referendum or by legislative (but not judicial) means, may choose to grant official recognition to another language that is common within that state but that language still must be suborned to English.

Gayle at My Republican Blog has a link to a petition to make English the official language of the USA (I am so pleased that she relented on her decision to close her blog down.)

I may post some of the others later. Even if they would never pass they are discussion points.


Blogger Crazy Politico said...

I'd enjoy it but don't see it happening anytime soon.

10:48 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Gayle said...

(Previous comment deleted by me because of typos.)

You know I'd enjoy it, Shoprat! I don't see how I missed this post of yours but I sure did.

One thing puzzles me though. I've never contemplated shutting down "My Republican Blog." The blog I shut down was "Gayle's Friday Evening Post." But thanks... it's always nice to know I'm appreciated! :)

On a better note, my daughter got a job at a beauty supply store. Yay! Her register training at least will come in handy.

8:06 AM  

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