Monday, April 21, 2008

They FINALLY Have A Good Idea.

In my opinion PETA is one of the most absurd and hypocritical organizations in America. They believe it is wrong to kill an animal for food (which I have no problem with) or to kill a dolphin by accident (which I would rather avoid doing myself) but they generally support the right to butcher an unborn child and dispose of it as so much trash.

Their biggest moral failing is that they put not just make animals equal to people, but ofttimes make animal rights a higher priority than human rights. I believe without apology to anyone that, while all life has a degree of sanctity, human life is far more sacred than any other. While it is sometimes necessary to take a human life (execute a murderer, self-defense, defense of the general public, war etc.) it is never a good thing or something to be celebrated and killing of innocent humans needs to be strongly avoided (though sadly it can't always be). I don't believe animals should be killed for pleasure or silly reasons but killing them for food was OKed by God Himself. End of discussion.

But as I have said on more than one occasion A stopped clock is right twice a day or Even a blind pig finds an occasional acorn.

They are offering $1,000,000 dollars to anyone who can come up with a commercially viable artificial meat. I think that's a worthwhile idea. The stopped clock just happens to right at this time. They are concerned about animal welfare but there is a more practical side to this. It would be much more efficient to produce meat in th is way and would use up fewer resources making food more easily available. We obviously cannot graze cattle on the Moon or Mars, but astronauts could produce their own meat like this. Island nations and nations of limited resources would have the same thing.

Yes. For once they have a good idea. Let's see if they can come up with another one.


Blogger Joubert said...

I just read this the other day:

PETA people are nuts. Many of the dishes in my restaurant were vegan simply because it was East Indian.

The president of SF PETA came to eat there one day and she said to me: "What you are cooking here is wonderful and one day vegan cooks will be revered as saviors. Killing animals is just as bad as what Hitler did to Jews."

I said: "I don't think my Jewish grandmother would agree."

She never came back.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Joubert said...

Oops that url did not come through. Here it is.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Gayle said...

"Let's see if they can come up with another one."LOL! I'll bet they can't!

10:08 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

People Eating Tasty Animals... Heh.

I'm going to break down a few of your arguements just to get everybody talking.

"They believe it is wrong to kill an animal for food (which I have no problem with)"

Me either. Let's face it. This world IS dog est dog and survival of the fittest. We can all agree on that, I think. Social Darwinism, if you will.

"or to kill a dolphin by accident (which I would rather avoid doing myself)"

Even by accident is wrong, but forgivable, since it was not intentional. Dolphins are probably the most intelligent animal on this planet, equal in some respects to a seven year old human.
If I am ever given a second chance at living on this planet, there are a lot worse things that I could return as.

"but they generally support the right to butcher an unborn child and dispose of it as so much trash."
I don't believe they have staed that. If you are talking about liberals, don't forget that there are many, many republicans that disagree with you on this subject. L. Brooks Patterson (why doesn't HE run for Gov., I'd vote for him!) calls them "The Taliban wing of our party".

"I don't believe animals should be killed for pleasure or silly reasons but killing them for food was OKed by God Himself. End of discussion."

Dare I say it? Ditto.

"We obviously cannot graze cattle on the Moon or Mars, but astronauts could produce their own meat like this."

DEW DEW DEW DEW (twilight zone theme) You've had too many Mountain Dews, right? (Just kiddin').

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next idea the can do is to implode and take the ACLU with them.

2:15 PM  
Blogger benning said...

I'd try artificial meat. If they can get the texture and flavor right, why not? And I'd bet it will happen quite soon. So far 'veggie burgers' and other non-meat meats taste like crap.

As for the political reasons for doing this ... meh! I don't care. I don't buy beef. Can't afford it anymore. But I do buy pork and poultry and have no qualms about eating dead animals.

I am an omnivore. So guard your M&Ms well! I'm just sayin'.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Bob's Blog said...

Very well-written post.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Bloviating Zeppelin said...

We could start with Hillary. That's artificial meat.


10:32 PM  
Blogger shoprat said...

pjc The link was quite interesting. Thanks.

gayle They surprised me by coming up with one good idea.

tim I quit drinking Dew ten years ago.

ms Works for me.

benning The hamburger was tolerable if mixed with the real stuff about 50/50.

bob thanks.

bz you're right.

10:37 PM  

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