Wild Child and Nature
How many people have no idea how harsh nature really is? Some people think that nature is gentle and motherly. Those isolated from nature may believe that this is really how things are in the wild.

In reality Bambi would be in frequent peril from hunger, cars, and predators, and later in his life, man.
There has been an increase in wild-animal attacks in North America lately and a shocking number of them are joggers and hikers who are totally unprepared to meet a wild animal, especially one that sees them as a source of protein.
What this means is that so many have no idea how to survive in the wild. Those who romanticize nature frequently have no idea of what it is really like. Those who want to return to an agrarian society would be the first to starve.
While most would never want to go back to a primitive way of living there are those who see it as a paradise. Yes paradise where there is hunger, if not starvation, from late winter to early summer. Where a woman needs to bear 5 to 6 children to assure a steady population, not to mention childbirth being the main killer women. Yes the Luddites want paradise.
Hurricane Katrina showed us what happens when nature strikes hard and the people don't know how to fend or think for themselves. Those people died because the government always cared for them and when the government wasn't there they didn't know what to do. Many of them died because of their own lack on knowledge.
We can see the results of that Volcano in Iceland but imagine one many times worse. Imagine Yellowstone erupting, as it probably will sometime in the next couple of centuries, throwing ash a couple feet deep across the entire globe and the whole planet sliding into a year or more of global winter. Those who survive will do so by a combination of location, preparation, skill, self-reliance, and luck. The survivors will be those who know how to survive and the destruction would be so complete that the government would be over-whelmed to the point of paralysis. Those who are dependent won't stand a chance.
That's nature for you.