Monday, June 01, 2009

Good Dreams

CS Lewis once stated that during dark times God sent what Lewis called Good Dreams to people. These were ideas and stories that rekindled faith and hope during the darkest of times. We are living in dark times right now; for real Americans we see what Obama is doing and we are as horrified as the citizens of Minas Tirith were when they saw the gates of city break open and the orcs come rushing in. We feel the same mixture of fear and rage that the witches and wizards in the Harry Potter series felt when the got the message The ministry has fallen, Scrimgour is dead. We see everything we believe in being destroyed by leftists/orcs/deatheaters and wonder if there is hope.

Yet there are interesting lines is these prolonged stories (and I consider both and The Lord of the Ring and Harry Potter to be good dreams). At the end of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry reminds his friends that "We have something Voldemort doesn't have!"

"What's that Harry?"

"Something worth fighting for!"

At the end of The Two Towers Samwise makes the same observation.

The light of the sun will not be darkened by socialism and Islam forever. The sun will shine again and we must not give up hope. Even if it takes the literal Return of the King, it will happen. Harry Potter and Frodo both had to enter the heart of evil's domain, both convinced they would not leave alive, to defeat evil and save their friends as well as everything they loved. They both felt all hope was gone, yet went forward to face their enemy because that was all that was left. In the end both triumphed but had to pass through a valley of despair to find the final victory.

Is this what our military will be like in four years?


Blogger christian soldier said...

Thank you for these two--
Speaking of our military-there is an up-date that I have just posted on the Army Recruiting murders....

8:27 PM  
Blogger Always On Watch said...

The light of the sun will not be darkened by socialism and Islam forever. The sun will shine again and we must not give up hope. Even if it takes the literal Return of the King, it will happen.I haven't given up hope, though I feel a lot of despair these days.

One of my friends, who had polio as an infant and, as a result, is permanently disabled, AND was rearing two difficult teenagers, often turned to Psalm 69 in her moments of deepest despair. I also find myself reading Psalms a lot these days.

7:05 AM  
Blogger Bloviating Zeppelin said...

I don't think those are our soldiers, I think those are our national educators failing to understand why bad policies continue to fail and why children continue to not learn and to remain dependent on government.


9:03 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

That is interesting about dreams, I don't usually remember mine but lately have had some very pleasant ones that I do remember.

9:41 PM  

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