Actually, politicians in general are uncomfortable with it, but it is a much bigger threat to the left.
The liberals for years depended on their absolute control of the media and academia to control what the public knew and believed. CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS and NPR were (and still are) in thrall to the left.
That monopoly, while still fairly strong, is not as absolute as it was.
Sadly the alternatives aren't always that good either.
Fox News is "right wing" only compared to the lunacy of the other networks.
Rush Limbaugh was once a great man but, in my opinion, his success has caused him to become a parody of himself. Still we owe him a debt of gratitude for breaking the liberal stranglehold on the media.
The real threat is when the ordinary people know what is really going on. Be it by talk radio or the blogs, the people of America are getting news the elitists don't want us to have. They allowed us as a group to shut down the "shamnesty" for illegal aliens. It caused congress to recently back down on eliminating the "John Doe" protection laws and will hopefully do the same thing to the fairness doctrine. The elitists of both parties are squawking, but the populists are gaining traction in both parties. For years the liberal populists have been drowned out by the liberal elitists who have had total control of the Democratic Party (while the GOP too often ignores the populists except at elections and when they are forced to listen.)
The real threat to their power is the
access to information by the internet.
It was blogs that destroyed Dan Rather when he tried to pull a fast one on America. Other blogs have posted and published stories that the powers-that-be wanted hushed up. While I will probably never post an earth-shattering post, others will and it will make a difference. When the media and the government realizes that we are no longer like the sheep in
Animal Farm mindless bleating "Liberal Good . . . Conservative Ba-a-a-ad!" (or the other way around) they will be forced to listen to us.
The only real danger is if they start to effectively patrol and censor the internet.
They will try. As the printing press revolutionized the world, the internet has taken it one step further, and to the elitists, an informed public is a dangerous public.
It is ironic that in
1984 Big Brother used something similar to the internet to control the public while in reality, the net gives us our best weapon against Big Brother.