Memories - - Foxes
I want to talk about foxes, not the four legged creatures that roam the edges of civilization but the two legged variety that is the mark of a truly human place.
25 to 30 years ago, for those who were born last week and don't know, a "fox" was an attractive woman or girl. It's still heard on golden oldie stations with songs like Foxy Lady or to lesser degree, Sweet's song Fox on the Run. Of course it was a compliment to say a girl was "foxy" and you saw lot's of tee-shirts that proclaimed its wearer a "fox".
In a comment to an earlier posting I was asked if I ever had a crush on Marcia Brady from the Brady Bunch. Now while Maureen McCormick (the actress who portrayed her) definitely qualified as a fox I never really had a thing for her. In fact it wasn't until I was in my 20s (and I am within a few months of her age) that I even heard much guys having a crush on her.
So did I have a crush on any TV starlets? Of course I did.
We of course remember Charlie's Angels (and I am talking about the original series, not the recent movies) and it included three gorgeous ladies who each qualified for the word "fox". Now of course it was Farah Fawcett-Majors who got all of the attention but I didn't understand why. Sure the (then) wife of the Six Million Dollar Man was a looker, but she was not the best looking on the show. That honor belonged to Jacqueline Smith who played Kelly Garrett. My heart skipped a beat whenever the camera went to her. Even though she is ten years my senior, I thought she was beyond beautiful, almost perfect in her beauty. When she made a cameo in the 2nd Charlie's Angels movie I thought she still looked darned good.
For a (then) young lady a little closer to my age (about 3 years younger than myself) there was a young woman who is now all over the tabloids for the weight she has lost. Valerie Bertenelli was the younger daughter in the old sit com One Day at a Time and even though she didn't get a lot of official attention, her cute little face decorated a large number of lockers and bunkrooms when I was in the Navy. She came across as the perfect combination of beauty and the girl next store. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I had a major crush on her when I was, 17, 18, or 19 - - somewhere in that range. I was disappointed when she married that rock star. (If you open the picture it becomes much larger and reminder of just how cute she used to be - - - or as we used to say "a little fox."
Of course we need to have at least one Sports Illustrated bikini model (and at least one blond) to make this complete. I remembered the poster but believe it or not I had to look up her name. It was Cheryl Tiegs. Several years older than myself, this fox decorated the wall of my bedroom when I was in my early 20s. In fact it was this poster that I had. I don't know what became of her (or my poster of her), but I notice something. Bikini models come and go but those with talent beyond just their looks are remembered. She was definitely a fox but unfortunately foxiness does not last forever - - nor does the word.
Of course there were numerous others and you could write all day about them. Susan Dey who played Laurie Partridge, Bo Derek who was quite pretty but couldn't act for beans - - but matured into an impressive and still attractive lady. Of course Daisy Dukes, Michelle Phillips, Marie Osmond . . . the list goes on and on and on.
Back to serious stuff maybe tomorrow.
Since Bush recinded Habeus Corpus, anyone in the USA can be picked up and placed under indefinate detention.
You can’t vote while you are under detention.
Expect a mass detention of Democrats prior to the election.
THAT’s what the new camps are for.
Several of the comments mention concentration camps being built? I don't know of any.
The "Reality Based Community". They would be entertaining if they weren't serious.